Terms Of Service

User’s Acknowledgment and Acceptance of Terms

Divinity Virtual Assistance (“Us” or “We”) provides the www. divinityvirtualassistance.com site and various related services (collectively, the “site”) to you, the user, subject to your compliance with all the terms, conditions, and notices contained or referenced herein (the “Terms of Use”), as well as any other written agreement between us and you. In addition, when using particular services or materials on this site, users shall be subject to any posted rules applicable to such services or materials that may contain terms and conditions in addition to those in these Terms of Use. All such guidelines or rules are hereby incorporated by reference into these Terms of Use.


These Terms of Use are effective as of the “Last Modified” date identified at the top of this page. We expressly reserve the right to change these Terms of Use from time to time without notice to you. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this site and these Terms of Use from time to time and to familiarize yourself with any modifications. Your continued use of this site after such modifications will constitute acknowledgement of the modified Terms of Use and agreement to abide and be bound by the modified Terms of Use. However, for any material modifications to the Terms of Use or in the event that such modifications materially alter your rights or obligations hereunder, such amended Terms of Use will automatically be effective upon the earlier of (i) your continued use of this site with actual knowledge of such modifications, or (ii) 30 days from publication of such modified Terms of Use on this site. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the resolution of any dispute that arises between you and us will be governed by the Terms of Use in effect at the time such dispute arose.
As used in these Terms of Use, references to our “Affiliates” include our owners, subsidiaries, affiliated companies, officers, directors, suppliers, partners, sponsors, and advertisers, and includes (without limitation) all parties involved in creating, producing, and/or delivering this site and/or its contents.

Overview of our Services

To ensure the quality of the Divinity Virtual Assistance experience we have set up our terms of service for our mutual benefit. If you violate these rules it will mean you’ve broken the terms of service and this may result in a termination of your account.

Tasks and concierge requests are non-transferable. You cannot sell or give away tasks on your plan but you are more than free to buy a plan for your friends, family and loved ones—they’ll love you and so will we. Your Divinity Virtual Assistance account is also non-transferable. That means if one person signs up, you cannot transfer ownership of that account to another person.

All Divinity Virtual Assistance plans are governed by a monthly hour limit by plan type. If these hours are unused by the next billing cycle, the hours will not carry over to the next cycle.

All Divinity Virtual Assistance plans are recurring subscriptions that can be canceled at any time.
Any agreement or attempted agreement between client and assistant, in connection with a service contract, requiring that payment be made outside of Divinity Virtual Assistance shall constitute a material breach of this agreement and be subject to cancellation without refund.

Requests & Tasks

Each request (task) must be submitted by phone, email or SMS. Please send your requests individually: this means that each communication you have with your assistant should contain one, defined, task. You’re more than welcome to submit multiple tasks at one time, but we ask that you create a separate email for each. This ensures the fastest possible turn around for each task.

If you ever feel like your service could be better, you can contact us by telephone or email us at connect@divinityvirtualassistance.com For a list of example tasks that we will and won’t do, please consult the Our Assistance page. That should give you a good idea of what we’re able to accomplish and what we simply cannot do, as if it is not listed, we do not do it. Agreeing to these terms of service means you understand and agree to keep your tasks within the scope of our business.

Ownership and Confidentiality of Work Product

If a Virtual Assistant creates anything original for you, such as research projects, reports, templates, spreadsheets, forms, etc. (“Work Product”), Divinity Virtual Assistance grants to you a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-transferable license to use the Work Product for your own personal and commercial purposes.

To avoid doubt, you retain sole ownership of your confidential information and your intellectual property and, to the extent your confidential information or intellectual property is incorporated into the Work Product, it will be removed prior to any use or disclosure by Divinity Virtual Assistance to a third party.

As used in these Terms of Service, your confidential information means non-public information that you provide to Divinity Virtual Assistance or a Virtual Assistant that you reasonably expect Divinity Virtual Assistance to keep secret, including your personal information (i.e., your name, your social security number, your credit card information, and similar information), but does not include information that (1) becomes generally available to the public other than an unauthorized disclosure by Divinity Virtual Assistance or a Divinity Virtual Assistant; (2) was or becomes available to Divinity Virtual Assistance or a Virtual Assistant on a non-confidential basis prior to your disclosure of the information to Divinity Virtual Assistance or a Virtual Assistant; (3) is independently developed by Divinity Virtual Assistance or a Divinity Virtual Assistant without using your confidential information; or (4) information we are required to disclose by a warrant, subpoena or other request in an investigation or legal proceeding or where disclosure is necessary to protect Divinity Virtual Assistance ‘s rights or property, or the rights or property of Virtual Assistants or our other clients.

As used in these Terms of Service, your intellectual property means patents, trademarks and copyrights owned by you and any insights, knowledge, and ideas provided by you in connection with creation of the Work Product.

Guarantee & Warranty

There is no warranty on any of the information, tasks, or projects your Divinity Virtual Assistant completes for you. What we will promise is that we’ll do our best to provide the most accurate, most effective information available and we say with confidence Virtual Assistants do this better than anyone. However, if we give you information or results that are wrong, although we’ll be deeply sorry, you can’t hold us liable for it (or the results) legally or morally. If this happens, we apologize.


If you leave us, we’ll miss you dearly but we won’t hold you back. Monthly plans can be canceled at any time, though we are unable to prorate membership cancellations or refund due to unused time. All cancellation requests will go into effect at the end of your current monthly plan. To cancel, just email your assistant or contact our Support Team: connect@divinityvirtualassistance.com and ask us to cancel your subscription.

Termination of Service

In darker news, we reserve the right to terminate the service of a Divinity Virtual Assistance client at any time — for any reason. Should this occur, we will give you a prorated refund at the standard monthly plan rate for any period for which you have already paid. That means that rarely and under great duress we may end our relationship with a client for any number of reasons including but not limited to the following:
If the client is constantly requesting tasks outside the scope of their service plan and we’re unable to find a solution by scaling back the requests.

If the client is abusive to his/her assistant or any other Divinity Virtual Assistance team member.

Divinity Virtual Assistance Terms of Service Non-solicitation Provision

I acknowledge that Divinity Virtual Assistance has made substantial investments in recruiting, training and matching skilled Divinity Virtual Assistance assistants with each of its members including me, and that Divinity Virtual Assistance has a legitimate interest in earning a reasonable return on those investments. I also acknowledge that Divinity Virtual Assistance has agreements with Divinity Virtual Assistance assistants that protect this interest by requiring that Divinity Virtual Assistance assistants obtain Divinity Virtual Assistance’s prior written consent before accepting any direct engagement (whether as an employee, consultant, contractor or otherwise) with the Divinity Virtual Assistance member to whom they were assigned. Accordingly, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, I agree that during my membership and for a period of twelve (12) months immediately following the termination of my relationship with Divinity Virtual Assistance for any reason, whether voluntary or involuntary, with or without cause, I shall not directly or indirectly solicit any Divinity Virtual Assistant who is assigned to me at that time or who was assigned to me within the six months preceding termination of my relationship with Divinity Virtual Assistance to leave his or her employment with Divinity Virtual Assistance and to work for me in any engagement directly or indirectly. Should any solicitation by me become a substantial factor resulting in a Divinity Virtual Assistance assistant leaving Divinity Virtual Assistance and accepting an engagement with me directly or indirectly without Divinity Virtual Assistance’s consent, I agree to pay Divinity Virtual Assistance as liquidated damages reasonably calculated to compensate Divinity Virtual Assistance for its lost investments and not as a penalty of any kind, a one-time fee equivalent to one year of my monthly Divinity Virtual Assistance plan in effect at the most recent date that the Divinity Virtual Assistant had been assigned to me by Divinity Virtual Assistance.

Data Rights and Protection

Divinity Virtual Assistance has the utmost respect for our clients’ privacy and information protection. Given the ever-changing regulatory environment, we strive to stay ahead of the curve. In our mission to ethically and lawfully serve our clients we have the following policies in place in order to adhere to international and domestic law:

Obtaining Consent:

Divinityvirtualassistance.com terms of service are made as understandable and straightforward as possible. Our valued clients are able to give and rescind consent at any time. If at any time you wish to remove consent, please email us at connect@divinityvirtualassistance.com Additional details are provided below in our “Data Protection” description.

Timely Breach Notification:

In the event of a data breach, divinityvirtualassistance.com will notify our associated data controllers and clients within 5 business days. In addition to outlining the nature of the breach, the breadth, and actions involved to remedy the situation will be detailed.

Right to Data Access:

If at any time a client wishes to access his or her existing data profile, divinityvirtualassistance.com will provide a free electronic copy of the data we collected about that client. This report will also include the various ways the information has been used.

Right to Be Forgotten:

If at any time a client discontinues their relationship with divinityvirtualassistance.com, the client can request that his or her personal data is wholly erased from our records.

Data Portability:

This gives users rights to their own data. Clients will be able to obtain their data from divinityvirtualassistance.com in an electronic report and reuse that same data in different environments outside of ours.

Data Protection:

Divinityvirtualassistance.com has an appointed a Data Protection Lead who can be reached at data@divinityvirtualassistance.com. This internal lead will be able to rescind client consent as requested, alert stakeholders of a data breach, provide access to data reports, ensure the right to be forgotten, establish data portability as requested, and oversee privacy by design with a fiduciary responsibility.